Coal Creek Canyon

Improvement Association

The Coal Creek Canyon Improvement Association (CCCIA) has long served the community in a variety of ways. In earlier times the Association’s mission was to help bring utility services to the Canyon, to lobby for paving Highway 72, and to help establish the Volunteer Fire Department.

Today, the CCCIA strives to find new ways to serve the community. Supporting local kids’ groups, providing scholarships, and contributing to emergency community needs is our continued mission.

As stewards of the Coal Creek Canyon Community Center, we also are responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the Center, which is used regularly by many local organizations.


Purpose statement: CCCIA’s purpose is to nurture and enhance a connected community by maintaining a welcoming and inclusive community center.

Mission statement: We are dedicated to fostering educational and social opportunities that enrich the lives of our residents and local businesses. We are committed to providing a space where everyone feels welcome, valued and inspired to contribute to the enrichment of our canyon community and its youth

New mission and purpose statement.  Ratified by CCCIA board at 2/11/25 meeting.

Photo by CCCIA Board Member Chuck Berginc

Board of Directors

Norma Cassin


Ways & Means

Sean Walkinshaw

Vice President

Suzy Schemel

Secretary, Hall Manager

Ways & Means

Chuck Berginc


Adam Melin


Janice Batt

Membership Director

Bruce Goodwin

Building & Grounds Manager

Shelly Peters-Schaller

Member At Large

Ways & Means

Jeremy Turnmeyer

Member At Large
Social Media

Julie Sorlie

Member At Large

Téa Wilkins

Member At Large

Bruce Tansy

Member at Large

Steven Floyd

Member at Large

Web Support

Bruce Tansy

Chris Passarelli

Adrian Pountney

Board Meetings

The CCCIA Board meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7pm at the Community Center. Contact us via email to be included on the agenda.

Contribute Ideas

We welcome your thoughts or ideas on how the CCCIA can better serve the Canyon. Please be in touch! 


(p) 303-642-1540

"There is no power for change greater than
a community discovering what it cares about."
Margaret J. Wheatley

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